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About the Emerald Vale
An Ancient and Enchanting Wilderness
Located within a secluded off-grid forest valley nestled within Wales’ Brecon Beacons National Park. Located 1200 feet up surrounded by the wild beauty and crystalline waters of the Black Mountains. By UK law the land and wildlife are protected and conserved here. We are close in proximity to what is also known as 'the gateway to Wales', gifting us with easy access to the rest of the park, various sacred sites and the unspoilt magic of the natural world.

The name stems from the glowing green mountains and rolling dragon hills that abundantly emit an emerald ray frequency. Have you ever been somewhere so green and lush that it naturally calms you and you feel at peace? We welcome you into these earthly realms to meditate by the mossy river, commune with the ancient yew tree, bathe in the emerald forest or be part of a guided ceremony among the elven grove.
Within the Vale lies a rare opportunity to receive nature and a habitat that is wild, pure and untamed. It's here we can feel the echoes of ancient Celtic Britain that at the time would've been predominantly covered in trees and dense forest. The Vale is situated deep within one of the UK’s very few dark sky reserves, away from air and light pollution, EMF's, 5G and at night you are able to see the entire cosmos - a starlit sanctuary that allows you to step back in time.

Alize & Oliver
They are a beloved couple who serve as Vale Keepers and Land Stewards of the Emerald Vale. Together they reweave a forgotten connection to western spirituality. Guiding you back to yourself through the mystical inner realms of the earth and green path to the soul. They lead people on elemental adventures helping them receive from the healing powers of nature and form a relationship with the wisdom of the land.

Alize was born and brought up in Wales. After living in Australia for five years she returned to form a deeper relationship with her ancestral lineage and the land. As it was the green enchanting lands of home that always sang to her, opened her heart and inspired her soul. It's now amid the wild mountains and living at one with nature she feels she has truly found her home. Alize is the founder of the Celtic Rose Mystery School where she helps students from all over the world establish a connection to western spirituality. Alize uniquely combines her heritage, heart-felt connection to these lands, teaching skills and priestess wisdom with over seven years of retreat and sacred space holding experience. Allowing her to guide you on an elevating otherworldly journey that deeply awakens you to your natural state and soul essence. She helps you harness the abundant fertility and guidance of mother earth for self healing and growth.
Currently deepening his relationship to the land and mysteries of Wales for his upcoming book. Oliver joins together a story long forgotten about the origins, wisdom and culture of Celtic Christianity. Oliver is an author, storyteller and retreat guide. Born in London, raised in the US, Oliver has finally found his happy place surrounded by the natural replenishment and tranquility of the Emerald Vale, which helps spark his imagination and creative writing. He combines his ten years of experience in holding land-based retreats all over the world, with the last five years dedicated to retreats in the UK, with his knowledge of Druid culture, sacred sites, geomancy and genuine wonder for the land. He guides you on a thought-provoking exciting journey into sacred and undiscovered places. He has the rare ability to take you on an adventure uniting both worlds of soul liberation and educational wisdom.
The vision is to guide you on a unique retreat experience you simply couldn't find anywhere else. By joining Alize and Oliver's years of experience, expertise, and embodiment alongside the breath-taking natural beauty of the Brecon Beacons they offer a catalyst for earth-based spirituality, inspiration and healing. The intention being that you feel better through natural methods. Their passion lies within holding explorative spaces that help you unite and learn from nature so you can receive nourishment and wisdom. The longer term vision is to create a large off-grid retreat centre that allows them to expand their services and build a green community that helps maintain the sustainability and vibrancy of the Vale for present and future generations.